I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

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I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by royksopp5 »

Hi Solosuck,

Long time lurker, recently joined, my first thread post. I've always been turned on by the idea of sucking my own cock, plus I love the taste of my precum, and I've finally decided to commit to making this happen.

I'm in my late 20s, 5 foot 8 tall, Medium/Athletic build. My erection is 7.5" long and 5.5" circumference. I'm not so flexible naturally.

I've been doing back stretches regularly for the past month or so, which has been great for overall flexibility, but curling my body up so tightly is the final challenge. If I hang my head over my erect cock without pulling, there's about a 5 inch gap between my lips and the tip of the glans. If I pull, I can get about half of the glans in my mouth, but it's not a comfortable position.

What are some good tips for easing my back to help slip further into this curled up position?


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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by tennsteven »

Is there any weight issue. A huge stomach makes it almost impossible to make any progress. If not, then start by floor exercises with legs wide apart and work until you can get your face to touch floor without bending your back. This will stretch and loosen up the lower back muscles. This will take some time so working on it after a long hot shower will help. Go slowly even if it takes a couple of months. While you're at it do some laying down leg lifts to work on the stomach. Next should be the limbering of the spinal column--another story. Maybe some other will chime in to offer more thoughts.

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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by aleingang69 »

What positions are you using for your solosucking, Royksopp5?

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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by royksopp5 »

I'm trying for the C position.

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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by aleingang69 »

If you've read back through old posts you'll know that I'm a great advocate of the Plow. It isn't best for every man, but it has a lot of advantages for a lot of guys, especially if you're able to hook your toes/feet under something above floor level so you can use your lower-body strength for leverage.

Give it a try if you haven't, and let us know how it goes!


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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by cockheadlover »

Hi I love sitting in a Windsor chair and using the stretchers and legs under the seat as handles to stretch. I think its a great device, each part helps in different advancements. Also I find that its just as important to stretch you legs. touching the floor a few times with straight legs adds some extension.

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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by essesser »

After I'm thoroughly warmed up, I wheel my desk chair into the bedroom, hook my feet under the edge of the bed, pull the mattress over my head, let myself relax as my face eventually makes contact with my pubes, cock and balls. I also grasp the wheel supports of the chair; it has four castors, so I grab on to that base ... not sure what it's called. Anyway, I go slow, careful not to hurt the back of my neck; just let gravity work, and the smell and taste of my crotch! I then move to the floor and yoga mat, and do the C. But my wife keeps asking why the desk chair is in the bedroom, so I have to try to remember to put it back when done :D .

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Re: I hit a flexibility plateau, how to overcome?

Post by torae »

I've mention it in other post before, selfsuck need flexibility in a lot of places. Royksopps, I notice that in your original post you mention that you have been doing back stretch. The thing is you need to stretch all part of your back, lower, mid, and upper. to be able to bend a lot. Also leg stretch play a huge part since if your hamstring is tight your hip and lower back won't be able to to tilt as much.

I always do leg stretch and back stretch before I SS, I also roll my back on foam bolster to loosen my spine so that I can curve more.
Plow position give you great leverage like Al said. I personally don't use it as much because the pressure on my neck cause a lot of discomfort but it is a pretty good for beginner since it give extra leverage position, as oppose to X or C which need a bit more flexibility. This way you get more result and are not as discouraged :D

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