If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Ziggurat wrote:Ok. I don't have kids. My wife and I live quite happily child free, but if I did have a child of either sex, I'd fully support any masturbatory habits they had. And encourage them to explore their sexuality, but only with themselves. Anything you do to your self is quite acceptable in my opinion as long as you keep those actions to yourself. As for discussions about it, they'd be free to discuss with me on any topic, sexuality included, but I would not force them unless they were caught sexualizing with another person. Then, they'd be educated on the pros, cons and legality of sexuality and the behaviours that go along with it.
I know this is a little off-topic but would you buy your kids sex toys if they were interested? I have seen this discussed elsewhere and while the majority said no, more than a few said they'd have no problem with it. What about porn?

My best friend in Jr. High, his mom bought him porn videos and magazines. Not sure why. I was surprised one day when I went to visit and he had Penthouse centerfolds up on the wall above his bed. He turned out gay though and I wonder if his mom did that hoping to make him straight...

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by Ziggurat »

No I would not purchase anything for my child in that manner... In Canada there are very specific laws regarding what counts as the "corruption of a minor." However, much like my dad, I'd prolly have a stash of mags or movies in the basement that were "hidden". If they were found, then again, I'd make a point to say, yes you can view, but do not show your friends. Again, this would constitute a crime in my country. It's one of the reasons I don't have kids. Unfortunately, we are NOT free to raise our children the way we see fit. The government always interferes...
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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I guess there is a certain awkwardness about discussion sexual topics with your children. I never got the sex talk from my folks, just a stupid magazine about abstinence when I was in high school. My mom caught me masturbating a couple of times and told me to stop but that was about it.

Like I said before, I'm not having children, but if my son expressed an interest in this, I would try to be honest with him and short of giving him a demonstration, I'd probably tell him to study yoga and to be careful when trying to suck himself so he doesn't get injured. Hopefully we'd have a good enough relationship where we could discuss such things because I think it would have been awesome to have had that with my dad when I was younger.

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by aleingang69 »

Sounds about right to me, BSA - I was lucky to grow up in a town with reasonably good sex-ed, starting in 5th grade, but if they ever talked about solosucking I must have been out sick that day ;)

It's so different for kids now, in the age of the Internet - they have access to so much now...

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Not long ago I found a college textbook on human sexuality and in the section about masturbation, it mentioned that some men can perform autofellatio. I was stunned to see it mentioned.

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by christopherdmaxwell »

taking a moment to re-read all of the comments in this thread...

writing to "sticky notes" (hehe) before solosuck looses my log-in (or were my previous comments lost because i may have written something that deserved to be lost?) - anywhooo.... slight role reversal here on the topic.... my quasi-adopted son (now 20) stays with me... late last night, i walked into my livingroom where he occupies the sleeper sofa... i caught him at a good time!-) he was looking at hentai on his phone and was curled up with his face in his crotch for a several moments!!! - I'm sure i had walked out when he was blowing his load in his mouth! - his usual masturbatory routine is to edge for as long as he can, then sucks on his head of his about 9 inch cock for about ten to twelve seconds when he blows his load in his mouth and swallows often licking a couple of times afterwards! (don't ask me how i know the great details of all of his routine as he is usually locked himself in my bedroomroom as he does this!-)


[he has his back to me as he is blowing himself]

I see him and I said, "i'm going to bed." - (no response for several seconds)...

"did i come out at a bad time?" - no response for several seconds)

i give him a few seconds more, then i get closer, he apareantly puts it back in his shorts... "are you doing what i think you're doing?"

E: [smiles mischieviously] "noo"

me: "ok, i'm going to bed. night! big hugs." (he hates hugs for the most part) - "now give me a big kiss!" (of course at this point, i'm just razzing him as he really hates kisses more than hugs!-)

i should set up a ultra high definition security camera in my livingroom in the event that i might miss something!-)

I think my original story of my observing him blowing himself either got deleted or didn't go through.... After "E" turned 18, he told his family, against all of our wishes to send him to job corps, that he was going to come and stay with me... He had been with me off and on for the previous five to seven years... My computer was set up in my bedroom... on the second night i had gone to bed about 10:30 while he was still on the computer.... about 2:30 a.m. during my sleep, i noticed the sound of the keystrokes and mouse clicking had become MUCH SOFTER which made me know he was up to something! I opened my eyes to observe him stroking this huuuge glorious cock! i closed my eyes as he was looking back at me on occasion... after several minutes of him edging and me drifting from wake to sleep and back, i hear the leather office chair roll back, i opened my eyes and saw him curl forward and suck his own head for several seconds.... by the time he was done, i was sitting up in bed just watching and smiling.... he turned around to look at me, and of course, i just said, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

- E: - "SHUT UP!"

He denies this ever happened to this day!

I believe one of the other stories that didn't stay stuck to the message boards was the time he was 17 and told me, "i can only get THIS CLOSE" holding his finger and thumb an inch apart.... i told him the technique he was missing... that's a story for another thread, i believe...

there are a few more stories, but i should probably stop while i am ahead...

unfortunately, time is limited for me (due to lots of work)... there are more threads of "who all knows?" - - "your first time" which i would like to convey to the rest of us that would enjoy!

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Re: If you had a son and he found out you could selfsuck

Post by Mehdymeh »

My stephson probably knew, heh.

Awkward, no further comment since he was 10 at the time and i'm not sure, god I hope not that he saw me.

Who am I kidding, when I was sleeping he was using my tablet lol, my ps4 everything, heh... I have a habit of not closing my tab browsing, oops :|

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