Psychological backrgound for self sucking

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Re: Psychological backrgound for self sucking

Post by igodownonme »

It could be digit ratio. My ring finger is longer than my index. Higher testosterone, etc. My dick is on the upper side of the average scale. I love to cum. I have always loved getting head to the point of being a bit of an annoyance to most of the ladies I've dated. During my college years, drunk, I let two gay guys blow me (not at the same time). Anyway, I didn't seriously begin trying to suck myself until I was in my late 20's, and discovering sites like this on the internet. I used to throw myself into the plow as a teen and tried to get it to my mouth, but the floor was hard, and I ended up ejaculating all over my face and onto the floor. My semen tasted gross at the time. But I was ignorant of the fact that you can improve flexibility. And with my upbringing, yoga was a cultish thing. And aside from all of that, I prefer not to question it. IMHO, any man who can lick and - or suck his own cock to orgasm is simply one lucky son of a bitch. Like Nike, just do it. I don't know why anyone would want to stop. I don't share this with the lady in my life; she's too uptight, and I love to fuck. I don't need baggage of someone else wondering about my sexual motives. There's only one: I love to cum. When I my dick is in my mouth, it's more about getting head than giving it, even though I enjoy the smell and taste of my cock and balls. If I were to philosophize, I would only say that I'm a lucky, selfish bastard who doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks about autofellatio. I will do it until I'm too old or otherwise limited to just watching others do it while I jack off. Bottoms up, guys!

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Re: Psychological backrgound for self sucking

Post by Xyz123 »

I know this is an old post, but I feel what gave me the desire to try autofellatio was back in my early teens I went through years of csa, and had a very lucid dream of doing myself.
I had the dream a few more times over the years, but no matter the intensity of the desire to suck myself I am not near close enough to do it.
My body never had much flexibility for as long as I can remember.
You guys that can enjoy. The rest of us just have to keep dreaming.

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Re: Psychological backrgound for self sucking

Post by Polevaulter69 »

I was raised around mental health professionals in my family, so I have a little insight (at least into why I am who I am). I grew up with ADD and still constantly battle unproductive and miscellaneous input in my brain all day. I discovered early on that masturbation and self-sucking turned all the volume down on all of that while I was “in the zone” and gave me a kind of mini-mental vacation from my own brain. When I discovered SS I honestly don’t even think it was about sex. It was fun, it felt good, it was challenging, felt a little taboo, and it was anti-authority. I really liked how my crotch and genitals smelled and tasted when my body got warm during SS, and always looked forward to being intimate with my flesh again. It was a private, sensual retreat I could reward myself with. Sexual fantasization didn’t enter into it until several years later when I was older.

I’m a bit introverted. I live alone, and do web development for a living from home and get to set my own work schedule as long as I meet my work deadlines. This is a lifestyle that easily lends to becoming a heavy masturbator. I tend to binge masturbate/self-suck for days at a time at times between work projects to reward myself. I have two active “friends-with-benefits”, one male/one female, and my friends and family bring me out of my cave when I need it so I’m not a recluse. When I’m in public, especially in noisy, crowds, where there’s a lot of people talking at once, I get anxious after awhile and start looking for the door to go home and self-suck the nervousness away. That’s my first “go-to” thought every time it gets too intense. I wouldn’t call it full-on agoraphobia. It’s mostly an ADD auditory/sensory-overload thing for me and I’ve just developed a habit of sexual stimulation as my primary means of self-soothing.

I started self-sucking daily when I got my first apartment alone at college. I would say my primary motivation for SS at that point was a mix between sexual arousal, habit, and boredom. Eventually I just got so busy with life that selfing took a backseat to straight masturbation because SS requires a degree of prep-work to make it good. I also had a steady sex life, so it became something I did about once a month if I got stressed out and wanted to really unwind.

Fast-forward five years and I got married and then divorced a few years back and had my own apartment alone again. The first six months for me was really depressing and stressful. I felt like a failure and was broke for over a year before I was able to get stable independently again. The very first night alone in my new apartment I picked up self-sucking again. It was the one thing I had really looked forward to leading up getting my own place again. I sank into a 2-3 times a day selfing routine with some edging/self-suck sessions going 3-4 hours at a time back and forth. Those first early weekends and days-off work I spiraled into a lifestyle of heavy sexual self-pleasure whenever I was alone and at home. I bought a Fleshlight, strokers, porn mags, built a serious supply of jack-off toys, and set up a used desktop PC and monitor completely dedicated to my porn habit. I was smoking weed, masturbating, and sucking myself off every free moment I had, mainly just to avoid my issues. Whenever I got into a comfortable position and rhythm all my anxiety, anger, self-loathing, pity-partying, and loneliness instantly stopped, just like with the ADD thoughts. The only thing that mattered was keeping the continuous pleasure waves flowing from my penis, so naturally I stretched sessions out for as long as possible and regularly wasted entire days staying naked, baked, and sexually aroused, drooling to endless streaming porn and pleasuring my body to stave off intrusive negative thoughts. After about six months my mental stability returned to my previous baseline and I returned to normal. Now, I usually self-suck about 1-2 times a week as part of my masturbation routine.

Side note: I run a mile and an half about twice a week. Comparatively, self-sucking is not as effective at stress relief as high-impact aerobic exercise (like running) because the anxiety reduction from a sexual release only lasts a few hours, where a good morning run keeps me relaxed all day and well into the next. So to sum up, my primary attraction to self-sucking now is the instant stress relief it provides when I need it, the obvious exquisite pleasure it provides, and the personal, sensual communion I get being sexually intimate my body.
Cumming in your own mouth is like eating a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get!

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Re: Psychological backrgound for self sucking

Post by PT1962Redux »

I've always had a fascination (maybe a desire) to put my penis in my own mouth for as long as I can remember. It felt good. I was obsessed with my penis and with the very idea of a penis. Boys are obsessed with their own penis and what it means for manhood but also told to hide their penis or that their penis is shameful or disgusting. This hit me especially hard because I liked licking my head and jerking off while I sucked on my head. Im talking about very early stages of puberty when boys are experimenting and getting "the talk" from their parents or at school.

Certainly the shame that made it taboo mixed with an oral fetish might have been what got me so interested in sucking my own dick.

In my 20s I was never very popular or attractive. I couldn't get guys interested in me. I had no interests in girls. I started having sex with myself with my shaft pushing in and out of my wet mouth, no hands, hard and warm. Looking down at spit slide down the bottom half of my shaft, seeing my balls tight against my groin, and feeling the pulse of ejaculating took me to places emotionally I had never imagined. When things went bad as school or at work, I'd come home and suck myself off. I knew that the same people who already thought I was a weirdo would totally judge me if they knew what I was doing, but while I thrust my dick in and out of my warm, loving mouth, smelling my spunky crotch and tasting my spunky dick Id feel defiant. Why should I be ashamed of doing something so taboo.

Then I found websites like this one where I read about other men who suck their own dicks, who started when they were young, and who still practiced it. I found videos and images where guys made regular content to show their special skill. Knowing I could do that too felt awesome. I had always tried to find ways to take pictures or video or at least watch myself in the mirror. The more I accepted that I might be that weird guy who does this but Im not the only guy who does this and it feels so amazing, I started to love how I looked with my dick in my mouth. I felt hot and sexy, but I also felt so good about myself

All sex is a feedback loop. You find something that makes you feel good physically and emotionally. If you let yourself explore and embrace whatever that is, even if others would consider it perverse or weird or gross, then you can grow and experience even more emotional fulfillment from it.

Nowadays I don't suffer from the same lack of self-esteem that I used to, and I feel more and more confident about myself as a selfsucker. Sucking my own dick helped me feel self-love and now feels like something I should be proud of. Its always been about self-esteem for me.

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