Some shamman videos

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Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

Sorry I've been away from here for so long. Now that X-Tube is gone, I realized many of my videos have lost a home on the net. So I'll post some of them here for all to enjoy. Please understand that I cannot self suck any more so there's only "old" videos. But there are a LOT of them and I'm not going to post them all, of course. But I'll get some of the better ones posted. (If I could monetize it, I'd spend the time to compile a lot of the raw recordings into full length videos.)
81226 (5').mp4
This is a rare scene where I am in the X position for most of it.
(39.29 MiB) Downloaded 1047 times

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by SFsucker »

You are such an inspiration, stud! Thanks for sharing yourself with us...

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by jonnyangel »

Wow!!! Absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by slck201 »

That was a great selfsuck session! you selfsuck it so deep. I was just able to lick the head of my cock and oved that too! i still had pics and vids of that too.

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

Thanks guys. That was truly one of my best times, too. I love watching it while I play today.
It's an extra thrill knowing other people are enjoying my pleasure. Watching ME !
I shudder with excitement inside whenever I really think about that. Thanks to you guys!

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by jones222 »

Hey shamman, I'm so glad you're back!!!! For a minute I thought we'd never see or heard about you again. You're definitely in top 3 of best selfsuckers out there! So sad that you can't selfsuck now man, that sucks, I hope you're doing well btw! Also I'm sooo happy that you reposted this old and hot clip of you selfsucking, please, don't stop reposting, your videos are sooooo needed, you're truly a selfsuck icon!!! ❤️❤️❤️
There's a short video of yours that you posted here once and honestly it's literally the best selfsuck video that I have seen in my life tbh, is there a chance for you to upload the full version, please??? I have a screenshot that may help you to know which one I'm talking about. Thanksss man!!! Image

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by jones222 »

My dumbass don't know how to properly post an image here, so I'm gonna try again with other metods avalaible here, sorry y'all:

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

Just looking at the still, I am amazed at what I was able to achieve! That is so fucking hot, even if wasn't me! But knowing that it is, only makes it that much hotter to me. However, just that pic isn't enough to help me narrow it down very much. If you could tell me the number of the clip, then I should be able to find it fast. It's a lot harder just to go by my hair style at the time! LOL

That's still no guarantee of how much I can find, even though I saved as much of my material as I could.

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by jones222 »

Yeah, I understand completely what you feel seing this still!! 🤤 🤤 🤤
I did a quick research on your last posts and found out that the number of the video is 6906.
Thank you Shaman!!

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

Here's a couple more good ones
70814 1'.mp4
(7.97 MiB) Downloaded 674 times
(39.45 MiB) Downloaded 681 times

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by belgian »

waw shaman u do it so well

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

belgian wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:48 am
waw shaman u do it so well
Thanks, man. It took months and years to get that proficient (and of course my natural flexibility helped a lot) but all that "work" was well worth the reward!!!

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Selferbro »

Hot pic Shaman.
Same for me with x-tube, it erased hundreds of pics and vids of me sucking myself and swallowing that are now gone forever.
What’s the one biggest thing that you miss about eating your own cock and cum?
If all men spent time sucking and fucking themselves there would be less fighting in the world :D

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Shamman »

Oh that's a bitch, dude. I only uploaded things that I have copies of so didn't actually lose them. Just lost an online home for them (with free viewing!) and lost track of what was posted.

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Re: Some shamman videos

Post by Hopeless »

Hi Shamman, this might sound silly of me to say, but I've been watching your videos for years and can't tell you how many times I've cum to your videos. Thanks for providing me with so much pleasure over the years! Your videos are some of the hottest videos out there, not just for selfsucking but porn in general. That first clip you posted, the last 30 seconds are honestly some of the hottest, most intense moments of any porn video I've seen, the way you moan and suck yourself faster and faster until you cum is just awe-inspiring. It's unfortunate to hear you can't selfsuck anymore, but I hope you know how much pleasure you've brought to so many of us. Feel free to keep posting more of your videos on here haha, but if you have any, I would love to see longer, uncut videos including your orgasms because that was some of the hottest things I've ever seen. Thank you!!

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