Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

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Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by Anih123 »

Hi. I ma new used i have question.
Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm? you feel like eating, but after ejaculation the desire goes away. and you are disgusted, but after trying and trying, you are already addicted and you can't wait until you swallow it

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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by PT1962Redux »

My thoughts on this are that once you overcome the shame of eating it, you can let yourself acknowledge your desire and the endorphin rush that comes after ejaculation.

In this forum others have written about how cumming makes you feel so vulnerable and ashamed. The excitement of sexual pleasure turns off those feelings, I think, until we cum. Then all the emotions of orgasm get caught up in our socialization that sex is bad or masturbation is wrong. Especially when you cum in your own mouth from selfsucking, you feel freaked out that you just did that and so feel disgusted that you now have your own sperm in your mouth. The vulnerability you feel at that amazing moment turns into shame because you have been taught by society that this kind of desire is wrong and you are bad for doing it.

Once you get over those feelings of shame, then you can start understanding that vulnerability as part of the ecstasy of cumming and sperm/semen/cum can start to feel like a celebration or a gift for the wonderful experience you had making yourself cum. Your body has produced a lot of hormones that are basically like getting high, and you can get "addicted" to that feeling. If you learn to associate eating your own sperm with those good feelings, then sure, it can feel addicting.

But as has also been discussed in other threads, addiction is the wrong word. It is a psychological and medical term for something that is bad. Desiring to eat your own sperm hurts no one, especially not yourself. In fact, the positive, affirming emotions of sex--by yourself or with someone else--are healthy and good for the body.

It took me a long time to overcome these feelings of shame, and I still struggle with them. But I'm also proud I swallow my cum. I wish we could all be more open about this expression of sexuality--masturbation, selfsucking, and eating our own sperm.

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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by Happy Boy »

PT1962Redux wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 5:17 pm
My thoughts on this are...
that's about what i was thinking when i saw the question...none of it is physically addictive, but i think you could get psychologically addicted to the rush of endorphins.

i have said that i was addicted to it from time to time myself, but always meant it in more of a figurative sense. it is less "i can't quit", and more like "i don't want to quit" (and i'm not going to, lol!)

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Re: Czy możesz uzależnić się od jedzenia własnej spermy?

Post by Anih123 »

PT1962Redux wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 5:17 pm
Moje przemyślenia na ten temat są takie, że gdy pokonasz wstyd z jedzenia, możesz pozwolić sobie na uznanie swojego pragnienia i przypływu endorfin, który pojawia się po wytrysku. Na tym forum inni pisali o tym, jak cumming sprawia, że czujesz się tak bezbronny i zawstydzony. Podniecenie przyjemności seksualnej wyłącza te uczucia, jak sądzę, dopóki nie dojdziemy. Wtedy wszystkie emocje orgazmu wplątują się w naszą socjalizację, że seks jest zły lub masturbacja jest zła. Zwłaszcza, gdy spuszczasz się we własnych ustach z samossania, czujesz się przerażony, że właśnie to zrobiłeś, a więc czujesz się zdegustowany, że masz teraz własną spermę w ustach. Wrażliwość, którą odczuwasz w tym niesamowitym momencie, przeradza się w wstyd, ponieważ społeczeństwo nauczyło cię, że tego rodzaju pragnienie jest złe i jesteś zły, że to robisz. Kiedy już pokonasz te uczucia wstydu, możesz zacząć rozumieć, że wrażliwość jako część ekstazy cummingu i sperma/semen/cum może zacząć czuć się jak uroczystość lub prezent za wspaniałe doświadczenie, które miałeś, sprawiając, że doszedłeś. Twoje ciało wyprodukowało wiele hormonów, które w zasadzie są jak na haju i możesz "uzależnieć się" od tego uczucia. Jeśli nauczysz się kojarzyć jedzenie własnej spermy z tymi dobrymi uczuciami, to na pewno może to być uzależniające. Ale jak też omówiono w innych wątkach, uzależnienie to złe słowo. Jest to termin psychologiczny i medyczny na coś, co jest złe. Pragnienie zjedzenia własnej spermy nie boli nikogo, zwłaszcza siebie samego. W rzeczywistości pozytywne, afirmujące emocje seksu - samodzielnie lub z kimś innym - są zdrowe i dobre dla organizmu. Długo zajęło mi przezwyciężenie tych uczuć wstydu i nadal się z nimi zmagam. Ale jestem też dumny, że połykam spermę. Chciałbym, żebyśmy wszyscy mogli być bardziej otwarci na temat tego wyrażenia seksualności - masturbacji, samozasysania i jedzenia naszej własnej spermy. [/cytat]

You probably called it that swallowing and eating sperm in your own mouth is something bad and that you feel disgusted and bad after doing such a thing, why? I mean, I don't think it's a bad thing. and what I felt once when I tasted sperm, I can't explain how relaxing it made me feel

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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by selfsuxxer »

In this forum others have written about how cumming makes you feel so vulnerable and ashamed. The excitement of sexual pleasure
Great description of what happens and thank you for formulating this feelings into words. Couldn't be done better!
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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by theFinnishDude »

This is PERFECT.

Well said. 🫶

PT1962Redux wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 5:17 pm
My thoughts on this are that once you overcome the shame of eating it, you can let yourself acknowledge your desire and the endorphin rush that comes after ejaculation.

In this forum others have written about how cumming makes you feel so vulnerable and ashamed. The excitement of sexual pleasure turns off those feelings, I think, until we cum. Then all the emotions of orgasm get caught up in our socialization that sex is bad or masturbation is wrong. Especially when you cum in your own mouth from selfsucking, you feel freaked out that you just did that and so feel disgusted that you now have your own sperm in your mouth. The vulnerability you feel at that amazing moment turns into shame because you have been taught by society that this kind of desire is wrong and you are bad for doing it.

Once you get over those feelings of shame, then you can start understanding that vulnerability as part of the ecstasy of cumming and sperm/semen/cum can start to feel like a celebration or a gift for the wonderful experience you had making yourself cum. Your body has produced a lot of hormones that are basically like getting high, and you can get "addicted" to that feeling. If you learn to associate eating your own sperm with those good feelings, then sure, it can feel addicting.

But as has also been discussed in other threads, addiction is the wrong word. It is a psychological and medical term for something that is bad. Desiring to eat your own sperm hurts no one, especially not yourself. In fact, the positive, affirming emotions of sex--by yourself or with someone else--are healthy and good for the body.

It took me a long time to overcome these feelings of shame, and I still struggle with them. But I'm also proud I swallow my cum. I wish we could all be more open about this expression of sexuality--masturbation, selfsucking, and eating our own sperm.
the FinnishDude

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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by Kallen72 »

After I came in my mouth for the first time, I was surprised it did not taste that bad at all. But the addiction at first came from the excitement. Now I had another tool to please my self. And it was a great one: My mouth. I could suck with it, lick with my tongue, it was wet and warm. And it made me cum better than my hand. And I could fantasize that it was a girl who sucked me.
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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by vicarswanktoo »

I can't self suck but I might be addicted to eating my own come. I'm a frequent masturbator and usually shoot my load in my other hand (unless I edge and come-deny myself). I've been eating my own come for 20+ years and love it- it's a second treat for me after the treat of masturbating to orgasm and often, ejaculation. Wife was out sick last week so I am going to blast out a large load in the shower tomorrow morning and I can't wait to lick it up out of my hand. I do feel bad when some blasts out over the shower wall or floor or whatever so yes, when it comes down to it I am addicted to eating my own come.

When I do I have no shame or second thoughts about it and you shouldn't either.

Report back here when you are fully addicted to eating your own come!

I love to eat my own come! Can't self suck but it's the next best thing!

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Re: Can you become addicted to eating your own sperm?

Post by Polevaulter69 »

I’m not so sure you get addicted to eating your cum as much as just getting accostimed to the strong smell and taste, and eventually looking forward to it, which eventually leads to enjoyment. Eventually we get to where we anticipate and look forward to the act of oral ejaculation itself because we keep reinforcing the orgasm with the familiar taste of our own fluids. I think it’s more of a Pavlov’s Dog thing because addiction implies withdrawal after abstinence and helplessness to abstain. You’re not so much addicted to eating your cum as much as your brain is mentally pairing oral ejaculation and the subsequent swallowing behavior with the positive reinforcement of your simultaneous orgasmic pleasure over and over again to where you begin craving the entire sequence of the act as a whole. After all, you also really want to cum, cum hard, cum in your, mouth, enjoy the taste and texture of your cum, and swallow your cum as well. So it’s not just the orgasm you pair with where you choose to send your ejaculated fluids. The reward side of has several additional and more subtle rewards that make the pairing more cognitively imprinted on you. 1) the obvious pleasurable endorphin release of the orgasm, 2) reward of your faith that your ejaculate is going to taste favorable and familiar again, 3) satisfaction of completion of the act of sex, even though it’s with yourself 4) relief of anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, loneliness, etc. (if this applies), well as other benefits. That’s my Psychology 101 two-cents worth, lol.
Cumming in your own mouth is like eating a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get!

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