Self-suck how-to tips

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Self-suck how-to tips

Post by mrhappy »

Has anyone taken or is willing to take the time to create a Sticky or several of them containing all the best tips posted on this forum? I've noticed other forums do this. I would for instance like to see a sticky on yoga exercises that help with ss, ss exercises, stretches, ss techniques, tips for going down deep and how to ss. Idealy I'd like to see a sticky with an archive of info with links rather then just link since links often die if board goes down. I've read a lot of posts here and i think some deserve to be noticed.

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Post by Lucasraleigh »

I have just been through the forums, collecting. Went quicker than I expected. The square bracket goodies are my editing and comments. I have also put the names of the contributors and threads ontop.

Sucksess, Feb 1, 2005
I tried this Yoga routine [Sun salutation] out last night before sucking my cock.
The result was that I was the most flexible ever when trying to suck my cock. I couldn't believe how easy it was to put my legs behind my head and suck my yummy cock.
I also do the stretch where you sit indian style [Lotus position?] and lean forward. It's a great stretch for the legs, which are very important when attempting the X position.

Livestrong120, Jan 13, 2005 "X-position tips"
hey guys, i started this post for all who want to get into x, but are still working on it, post your tips on here

tip #1 lift one leg on a high desk and sitting, move your head slowly under it, keeping the leg on top of the desk

MikeB, answering
I haven't done the x-position for awhile, but I recall that the headboard was always a good source of leverage for me.

From the "bottoms up" position (as referred to in the "How to" section fo this site), I'd position myself on the bed with my toes positioned just underneath the headboard where it meets the top of the mattress. Then, I'd squeeze my arms through my legs and pull my head ans shoulders through so that my pits were positioned against the back of my legs. At this point, your head and shoulders are beyond your knees, and it's only a little farther before you can drop your toes off the headboard and postion your ankles behind your head. But the key is to keep those toes under the headboard to give you the leverage you need.

Sucksess, answer
It's important to stretch your legs out fully to get the X position to work. Once I do that, I usually lean up against a couch, and put one leg behind my head at a time.

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Rather dodgy tips that I'm not so sure about...

Post by Lucasraleigh »

Tippus, March 13, 2005 "How to get one foot behind your head."
I've been following a good diet and drinking plenty of water. The diet has slimmed me which makes it easier to flex. The diet also gives me the stamina to exercise and prevents any minor illnesses which therefore prevents relapses. Water helps suppleness. Drinking before, during and after exercise has different beneficial effects on both joints and muscles. Indeed, if I haven't drunk sufficient water when I begin exercising then I feel deeply thirsty because available fluids are drawn to joints. If you've experienced thirst after donating blood then you'll be familiar with the sensation. To overcome this, I've made it into a drinking game. If you get headaches, hiccups, cracking joints or soreness then *drink*. Discontinue if it persists. My exercise routine consists of the following:

1 Wear spandex catsuit. This is doesn't inhibit flexing and encourages you continue stretching rather than start masturbating. C'mon we've all been in that situation. Catsuits are available online from US$30 and can be delivered in plain packaging. [Luc Raleigh does it naked, without paying any dollars...]

2 Sit on a padded floor with legs out straight. This prevents damage to buttocks and spine. A yoga mat or sleeping bag is suitable. For cold weather, two sleeping bags trap warmth and prevent muscle injury.

3 First exercise. Bend one knee to bring one foot to knee or thigh. Bent knee should be near floor. Lean towards straight knee. Repeat for other leg. Position of straight leg varies the exercise. Leg turned inwards stretches outer lower hamstring. Leg turned outwards stretches inner lower hamstring and if this one hurts then you're trying to hard. Not pointing your foot also encourages stretching. After a few months of practice and warm-up you will be able to kiss each knee for extended periods and briefly place your chin beyond your knee.

4 Second exercise. Touch nose to toes. Like previous exercise but with both knees bent. Try with one foot in front and one foot behind. Progress will be slow and don't worry if you can only touch one foot. Continue with the exercises and your worst leg will improve. Wait for your worst leg to improve and you delay results. The long term objective is to touch nose to toes without grabbing your feet. My results remain variable.

5 Third exercise. Touch back of head to ankles. (Advanced.) This exercise stretches your outer upper hamstrings, which are problematic for me. Lean towards bent leg and curl so that the back of your head touches your ankle on the floor. Relax. Release.

6 Fourth exercise. Sit on floor with legs furthest apart. (Advanced.) Lean towards knees. You'll be surprised how it is to repeat the first exercise with both legs straight. I can eventually kiss each knee with my legs about 110 degrees apart. Any improvements to this exercise would be especially appreciated because I'd be able to do Chinese [sideways] splits.

7 Fifth exercise. Place each foot behind head. Really. After two hours of stretching, I find this exercise to be fairly trivial. If I'm properly hydrated then I can also do this on demand, without warm-up, while standing, although I risk injury. However, I've got a few problems with this exercise which cannot be attributed to diet, hydration, position or skipping all except the first exercise.

8 Sixth exercise to stretch arms, shoulders, stomach and front of legs. This is a variation of a yoga posture which is done standing. The standing posture is probably better for your knees, spine and neck but I find it less beneficial for my objective. Kneel with knees at 90 degrees. Stretch upwards. Lean backwards as far as possible. My bit which is bad: Place one hand on ball of foot and stretch other hand upwards while arching back and neck. [I deleted a spinal twist in a back bend; which is dangerous as it can injure your back...]

9 Final exercise. Undress. Place one leg behind head. Orgasm. Two hours and two inches make it incredibly intense. I can be on a natural high for an hour.

[I don't know how good a one-sided bend like this is for your body. Sounds dodgy to me...]

As you can tell, intermediate results are impressive but I've encountered numerous problems. Please find fault with my exercise routine. Please suggest improvements and replacement exercises. Any suggestions to achieve sideways splits and the X position would be especially appreciated.

Finally, I hoped to post only after achieving success and I suspect that many others are the same. Don't languish in silence. This is not a forum exclusive to people who have achieved auto-fellatio. This is a forum for people who want to do it and want help. I cannot auto-fellatiate but my experience may be what you need. Your experience is equally valid. So, contribute and make someone happy.

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Post by Lucasraleigh »

Bender4fun, Apr 30, 2005
Hi there everyone.. Thought I would post a little heads up to you all as a warning to prevent possible future problems. What I am referring to is selfsucking after eating or with full bowels. This can cause herniation among other things. You should try to make sure your bowels are as empty as possible before selfsucking because excessive pressure on the colon can cause diverticuli which you will pay dearly for in your latter years. Also, shed that gut if you have one it does nothing but hold you back and add to the pressure exerted on your internal organs..

Supapimp answered

I'd like to add that people should be careful about pushing limits when you ss. I really forced myself to get entire head into my mouth three days ago, well let's say that my mid back is still really sore. Be conscious of your back. If you feel like you're gonna pull something, just stop.

As for eating. I have found certain foods are better digested and quickly reduced. This is really an individual issue. Your system may handle things differently. I have always had a quick metabolism. A full bowel is not the only potential for herniation. Gastric GAS is a big one. It could be compressed by the bend and build up to dangerous pressure - popping through wherever it can. this is one of my regular preparations as I'm bending. Feel for gas bubbles and try to let them 'escape'. One end or the other. This has stopped me many times when they just won't cooperate.

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Tardis, July 13 "Stretch"
!/ Ye olde hammie stretch. Sit on the floor legs out in front and lean forward at the hips. Tip I was given recently is to reach your elbows to your feet and think of your back getting longer.
There's heaps of mods you can do to this that work in different ways.
Try to slide your head back and forward along your legs so you go from tummy laying on thighs to a big curve with just the top of your head on your thighs.
Bring your feet in one at a time to the opposite knee with your bent knee on the floor and lay down on the straight leg.
Same but with your shin vertical.
Separate your legs a bit so your head can go to the floor between them.
Separate you legs to a wide as possible straddle and lay on the floor to the front or lean sideways onto each leg or turn and tip forwards onto each leg in turn.

2/ Butterfly. Just sit up, pull your feet in to your crotch , hold them wit your hands and use your leg/hip muscles to drop your knees out to the side and down to the floor.

3/ Butterfly part2. Sitting up, holding the soles of your feet together with your hands, about where your knees would be if your legs were straight. Pull your head down onto your feet. Separate your feet and put your head on the floor between them. Slide you feet back toward you a bit and repeat.
When this stretch is going ok, do it without using your hands.

4/ Lotus. Just do it, and when you are comfy, lean forward to the floor.
(My ankles hate when I do this).

Remember you HAVE to bend backwards as well. So do cobras, back-bridges, and whatever that thing is called where you kneel down, sit on your heels and drop back to rest on the floor. [The camel]

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Love Thyself, Jun 20 "Stretches... and tips"
First is I seem to be mroe flexable later in the day. I think that's mainly because I am looser and what not. So I usually selfsuck at night or later in the day.

Another big thing is being on an empty stomach. That helps a lot.

Then what really helps is either a hot shower or to do strenuous exercise. If I am really warmed up from excercising, then I can really suck deep.

I sometimes will check my initial flexability, and sometimes I will be 1-2 inches from the tip, which means if I selfsuck I will probably not get much depth. But sometimes I can lick the head initially, which means I will have a decent suck, but when I can initially suck most of my head, then I know it will be a good one. And there are times where I sit down with a meal, and am extra flexable, and next thing I know, I'm naked, pounding my face with my cock.

Once more tip is to always feel it out, don't get too excited because you are choking on your cock, if your back is really hurting, then just suck the tip. I try to always go with how my back is feeling.
Have fun!


Matild, "Has anyone ever tried this?" on 26 Oct,

[spoke of lying in a "U": between a wall and a piece of furniture, using a matress in between. Interesting...]

Lucasraleigh [ME!!!] "Merry Christmas... to me" 25 Dec
First it was a mission just to get my feet behind my head. Then to get my knees behind my shoulders! After weeks of practice I could put my feet behind my head, and my legs behind my shoulders, but I could not put my feet behind my head WHILE my legs were behind my shoulders. That took months.

I was doing this now, with my feet behind my head, using my feet to push the back of my head towards my crotch. It did not get me anywhere. Then I saw pictures of X-position, and noticed that the man's head was further down, against his calf muscles.
I focussed now on moving my head down my legs.

I tried sitting against a wall, and noticed that it enabled me to bend further by supporting my back muscles. [I now use cushions and duvets for support, they work better than the wall.]
I think what gave me success is that instead of pushing forward with my legs I began trying to bring my knees together.
It causes [the backs of your knees] to slide against your back, pushing your body forward.

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More from me.

Post by Lucasraleigh »

I am posting these pics again, because they go with the instructions. (Wow, I'm the only guy who has actually illustrated his tips...)

"X-stretches" Jan 28, 2006
Conventional Yoga postures that are good for this are the butterfly and the lotus in forward crunches, because they stretch the legs while working on the forward movement. The lotus position of course requires a great deal of leg stretching to be able to do...

[The panther is quite difficult, more than one would expect, as it looks quite easy. Really works your thighs.]
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Post by Lucasraleigh »

These are fairly straight forward. With the leg crunch, the leg is not straight next to your head, but at a slight angle away from your body, to simulate the right direction for the thigh.
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Post by Lucasraleigh »

Of course the half x stretches.
Strange creatures that we are, visualisation helps. When entering the x position, I find that if I am thinking that I'm putting my legs behind my body, I can't do it. If I imagine that I am climbing through myself, then I can. One tends to think back when putting the legs back, but one needs to think forward, to bring the body forward. I don't really know why...
t_halfxright_149.jpg (15.48 KiB) Viewed 373826 times
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More recent

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Oldjoesmokes2003, 27 May 2006, "Hottest tips for going deep."

My best techniques so far are:

1. In the C with my forearms under my thighs as close to my ass cheeks as possible I relax my stomach muscles as much as possible when pulling down with my arms. I find that not tensing my stomach relaxes my back to the fullest for more stretch with less tension

2. I wad up a wash towel under my balls. It seems to help thrust my dick foreward a bit more closer to my mouth.

3. I use maximum arm strength for 4 or 5 seconds, relax the arms for about the same time, then resume, getting into a rhythm for maybe 5 or ten minutes.

4. It also helps to alternate the back angle each time. First pulling straight down toward my dick, Next time pulling down more toward my navel, next time down more toward my knees. It seems to stretch my back all along the length that way and minimizes the pressure on any one spot.

Dog answers:
While in the C, try pulling back, arching your back, then pull forward. I also pull back and kind of bend side to side, back, then forward. I am making a little progress, but going gradual and easy. Sucking half my dick is getting ever-so-slightly easier each time, so I feel that the patience is going to be worth it later. I haven't yet hit the back of my throat yet, but look forward to it a lot. The "emptier" my stomach is, and the more warmed up and sweaty I am, the better the bend. On the one or two days a week I ss, I eat a couple of boiled eggs or something light but high protein. This way I don't tire out too ssssoon!

LoveThyself answers:
I have been able to achieve maximum depth without even making my back hurt at all. Before on a good night I could get 1/2 my cock in my mouth, now I can get the entire thing in. What works great for me is on my back near a wall. I push off the wall with my feet, as well as pulling down on my ass. This combination puts a stretch on different parts of my back, minimizing the discomfort. I can within minutes be able to deep throat. Though as we all know, some nights it just doesn't happen...if I'm stiff. Then I decide to selffuck. Fun times

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On another topic, edging.

Post by Lucasraleigh »

[I didn't take note of the guy's name, or the date, and I am not going back to look. Already been through the pages once. Sorry dude...]
Thread: "The ultimate guide to edging."

How do i shoot more sperm?
I've learned alot! Do not jerk off for as long as you can, drinking tons of fluids.

How can i get it tasting better ?
Sweet fruits like Pineapple and Kiwi, etc can sweeten your sperm.

Now to the good part, edging. Begin by drawing out your state. View porno or reading erotic stories for as long as you can. The longer, the bigger build-up, more sperm, bigger orgasm.

Once you've spent a good 3 hours looking at porn, filling your mind with so many nasty thoughts, get as comfortable as possible. Lay on your silk sheeted bed, with a soft pillow, with sexy music. Have a porn DVD in the DVD player, but have the tv off.

Begin with the slowiest possible strokes, just fondling your cock, your hand streaming down, and exploring it. Use your other hand to rub your body. It feels so good.

Fasten your pace, but not too fast, still be relaxed. Once you feel your cock fill with cum, stop! remove your hands, place them behind your head, close your eyes, and think about the most boring and unattractive thing you can think of. (I think of a trash can, socks, a dead flower)

The feeling of orgasm will slowly die out, but you'll still be aroused. Hopefully you'll have some cum ooze from the tip of your cock, lick that up and enjoy it. Begin the process again after the feeling is moderate, Don't wait too long though.

Once you are done edging, you will get ready for the most intense part of the orgasm. When you feel your cock fill with cum, and orgasm coming, stroke as fast as you can, moan out, and flick the tv on, unmuted, as high as you want. You'll blow all over the place!


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Post by oldjoesmokes2003 »

One of the best tips I can share involves using a long towel. It works best if it is about a medium heavy towel--not too fluffy. I don't know why this helps me go deeper but it may be that it forces my cock and balls up and a bit forward, toward my feet, allowing my back in the C position a little more room to arc.

I hope you can visualize how to do this:

Take a long towel and form it into a rope shape. While sitting on the floor take the left end of the towel and place it on top of your left thigh directly left of your balls. Bring the middle of the towel under your cock and balls then under your right thigh almost in your ass crack. Then wrap the remainder of the towel tightly over the top of your right thigh then tightly under your balls and ass. The tighter you can draw the towel around your thighs and balls the better this works.

Place your forearms under your thighs and pull down. You should see your cock get harder because of the towel pressure under your balls. The tension of the towel wrapped this way squeezes your thighs and rotates them a bit, thrusting your cock closer than ever to your mouth.

Enjoy. And let's hear some feedback!

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other tips found on forum

Post by mrhappy »

Other tips found:
My best techniques so far are:

1. In the C with my forearms under my thighs as close to my ass cheeks as possible I relax

my stomach muscles as much as possible when pulling down with my arms. I find that not

tensing my stomach relaxes my back to the fullest for more stretch with less tension

2. I wad up a wash towel under my balls. It seems to help thrust my dick foreward a bit

more closer to my mouth.

3. I use maximum arm strength for 4 or 5 seconds, relax the arms for about the same time,

then resume, getting into a rhythm for maybe 5 or ten minutes.

4. It also helps to alternate the back angle each time. First pulling straight down toward

my dick, Next time pulling down more toward my navel, next time down more toward my knees.

It seems to stretch my back all along the length that way and minimizes the pressure on

any one spot.

While in the C, try pulling back, arching your back, then pull forward. I also pull back

and kind of bend side to side, back, then forward. I am making a little progress, but

going gradual and easy. Sucking half my dick is getting ever-so-slightly easier each time,

so I feel that the patience is going to be worth it later. I haven't yet hit the back of

my throat yet, but look forward to it a lot. The "emptier" my stomach is, and the more

warmed up and sweaty I am, the better the bend. On the one or two days a week I ss, I eat

a couple of boiled eggs or something light but high protein. This way I don't tire out too

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:03 pm Post subject: going deep


I have been able to achieve maximum depth without even making my back hurt at all. Before

on a good night I could get 1/2 my cock in my mouth, now I can get the entire thing in.

What works great for me is on my back near a wall. I push off the wall with my feet, as

well as pulling down on my ass. This combination puts a stretch on different parts of my

back, minimizing the discomfort. I can within minutes be able to deep throat. Though as we

all know, some nights it just doesn't happen...if I'm stiff. Then I decide to selffuck.

Fun times

ok....Just sit down on something with your legs relatively close together then slide one

of your arms underneath your legs. You will have to experiment with exactly where you

place it under your legs, but get as much of your arm under them. Then tweak the amount of

space(openess) between your legs to help with your flexibility and bending over towards

your knees. Once you feel comfortable use your arm to pull yourlsef down to your erect

dick and use the free arm to direct it towards your mouth. Then one that is done keep it

in your mouth and maybe try to stick the once free arm under your legs, which should get

you farther down on your dick.

Do you have a good, heavy desk at home? Get under it and lay on your back. Get into a

kinda fetal position so your back is on the floor, top of your thighs is facing toward the

floor, feet are up against the bottom of the desk.

does the desk technique really make it any easier. I have always just sucked my dick by

basically doing the same position but my knees on the side of my head and then pull myself

closer to my cock and i have pillow under my head. with that i have been able to

deepthroat my 8.5in cock. but if the desk technique makes it easier and less stressful

then i might try that.

After doing some research, I came to the belief that almost anyone can do this if you

spend enough time practicing. Over the past month, I've spent about 15 to 20 minutes every

few days stretching and practicing. I'm now about 2" away. I'm thinking I'll be be able to

lick the tip in another month or two.

Anyway, here's my main reason for doing this. My wife decided about 15 years ago that she

didn't want suck me anymore. That was a sad day. Now, my plan is to just take care of

myself in that department! I just know it will be awesome and I can't wait until I can get

2 or 3" in.

I tasted my cum once before and it left an absolutely terrible bitter taste on the back of

my tongue. But if I can self suck, my plan is to acquire a taste for it. Of course, when

the time "cums", I may chicken out.

I practice with three different methods:

(1) Lay on my back and swing my legs over my head, then put my hands on my butt and push

down. This one gets me the closest. And you can do this one for along time without getting


Another useful thing to do with this method (that I figured out all by myself ), is to put

2 or 3 fingers at the base of your penis (between your balls) and press down hard and away

from your cock. The downward pressure keeps your cock hard, and by pushing towards your

ass, you can get your cock to point right towards your mouth.

(2) Lay on my back, then cross my ankles and put them behind my head (X position), then

pull my head towards my cock with my legs. After stretching the hamstrings a bit, I can

now do this (ankles behind the head). I don't get as close this way, but it gives a great

view of your cock and balls.

(3) Sit in a chair and put my hands or forearms under my thighs, then pull my head down.

I'm surprised at how close I can get with this one.

The main thing is to get your back/spine stretched to where it can bend more than normal

(duh?). Some other tips:

(1) Don't try in the morning... you'll be too stiff. Wait until late afternoon or night.

(2) Don't try with a full stomach (or bladder, or bowels).

(3) Try holding your stomach in. And breath out, then hold your breath with empty lungs.

(I read this but it doesn't make much difference for me... but I'm thin.)

(4) When practicing, make sure to try and bend/stretch your back at all possible places.

Pull and curve the lower, mid and upper back. Think of a "C" shape.

my bed-lift up my back and put y feet over my head

Yeah, that's the best position for me too. Only additional suggestions I have is to try it

with a wall behind you, and use your feet against the wall to push off of to force your

back to bend more. Also, try putting some pillows under your head and neck to prop your

head up closer to your dick.
I also sit on the edge of my bed and grab both wrists with the opposite hand hand hold

them under my thighs, and then bend down and try to reach my penis. You'll have to rest

your feet on something solid to do this. This position doesn't give me much to work with

on selfsucking, but it does loosen up the back muscles really good, so if I do the other

position, it's easier.
big dick and a limber body don't belong to everyone, but if you can already get pretty

close there are a few tricks you can do to improve and hopefully, get that incredible rush

that comes when you finally make contact between your tongue and your own dick.

I first sucked my 9 inch dick at age fourteen and I think an early start helps. I laid off

for a good ten years and when I started again, it took work to get back in contact. I've

been doing it again for about two years, but lately have come to the belief that practice

*definitely* pays off. Before, I could only lick the tip with real strain, legs thrown

over my head. Now I am getting the whole juicy head in my mouth plus some shaft, and I can

lick halfway down my dick and taste my balls. I can also now suck it standing up and

sitting down.

Some tips:

Don't even bother trying in the morning. Most people are too stiff when they wake up. At

end of day, your body's a lot looser.
A full stomach holds you back.
Stretching is a huge help. Here's a few starters:
Legs together in front of you, seated on the floor. Lean forward, stretching your upper

torso lengthwise across legs. Reach hands past feet to lengthen your back. Go back and

forth between this position and the same stretch with soles of feet together/knees pointed

out, rounding your back more than with straight leg version (tuck your head under. Do it

naked! Look at that dick!)
Sit upright on floor with one heel at crotch and the other leg extended straight out as

far to the side as you can bring it. Slowly bring your chest down over the extended leg.

Take your time, this is a good one for loosening both your back and your hips.
Lie on stomach, hands at shoulders. Push up so your back arches backward. Hold, crane your

neck upward, lengthen your spine.
Loosen your neck. It helps ease the stretch.
There are many more stretches, and taking a few yoga classes, you'll probably choose a few

that really help.
Try different techniques. Head-over-heels is usually a good warmup. Try standing up and

grabbing your thighs from behind. Pull outward with your back so your spine loosens and

gets used to being rounded. Always focus on your dick. Move this grip up and down your

thighs to the position that feels closest to your dickhead and remember (always) to TILT

YOUR HIPS toward your face so that dick head gets closer. Don't expect to reach it the

first time... or the tenth. But try this, then go back to head over heels and see if

you're closer.
Use a mirror! Visualizing is half the battle. And if you prop a mirror on the back of your

thighs while you're head-over-heels, seeing how close your hardon is to your mouth will

help you get a lot closer -- the effect is wild. Don't get too crazy. Pop your load (it's

hot seeing that, too) before you break your back.
Propping feet on the wall or something is good for head-over-heels, basically because it

helps you to arch your back where it may not be used to arching. Push on the wall and you

can bring your hips down closer to your face.

These are just a few tips. Don't rush things. Spend an hour stretching three nights a week

for a week or two before you even give it a try. Obviously, a lot of exploring helps. You

have to remember to use that idle time to your advantage! (Trust me, it's fucking worth

Get on the floor so that the bottom section of your leg (along with your feet) are on the

floor and you are sitting with that part of your legs under the rest of you:
0 --- head
| --- body
/ --- Top of legs, with bottom under
--- --- Bottom of legs

Now, start to bend down until you get close. Then, put your arms under your legs, and lock

them if it makes it easier to hold them there. Now bend further. Then, lift up your body a

little, working toward having your upper leg at a 90 degree with the floor.
Hello all. Here I will tell you my tricks on how you can become a self sucker. What you

must do is follow these steps in order for success!

To prepare for your Selfsuck lesson you must do the following:

- You must be totally naked! No clothes whatsoever (in time maybe, but for now clothes off


- This is because the clothes interfere with the bending over action (especially belts!)

- Be sitting down in a chair that is stable, and that supports your crotch well

-Be erect! Make sure you get all the length you can get!

One more thing I'll cover before we get started to inform you that it is possible..

I am 5 foot 11 and my penis is 6 inches, and I can suck on it fine (a whole 4 inches+, can

even suck the head when my penis is not erect and i can lick my balls) without problems

and I am not flexible!

Now these are the steps for success to Self Sucking:

#1 - Get into a slouching motion so your back is curved outward.

#2 - Place your chin right onto your chest so you are looking down at your penis.

#3 - Hook your left arm (I prefer left arm, feel free to use right) around the bottom of

both of your legs.
- This is so you can push up with the arm and your penis comes closer to your face.

#4 - Suck in your gut so your ribs can be pushed down over your gut, giving you a HUGE

gain in distance.

#5 - Now that you are in position, lean down toward your penis with your head!

Note: It takes time to work your back in to perform this action. I do not recommend anyone

trying it if it feels like your going to snap in two!

You may not have to get up this far, but just go until you can get it in a reasonable

1. Push your selfa little further each day, but don't try to get your dick to your mouth,

2. You can also practice yoga, it helps a lot.
a. do most of the back related stretches
3. When you think you can get to sucking, then try, but only pull yourself to your dick,

dont pull your mouth to. It hurts a lot when you injure your mouth that way, popping the

4. Try the "upside down C" posistion first, recommonended for beginners, and "foward C"

later, and finally "stand and suck" much later

roll up
single leg circle
rolling like a ball
single leg stretch
double leg stretch
criss cross
spine stretch forward
open leg rocker
cork screw
neck rolls
single leg kicks
double leg kick
spine twist
side kicks

ok Guys, Here is a way To Get Into The X position alot easier,

1. find a higher table, and sit on a chair next To it
2. get the leg you want behind your neck and put it up on the table in a curved way
3. slide your head under the leg and keep stretching it until you can do it correctly
4. suprisingly enough, this helps alot, you also will get amazing depth with the x, but

mainly the hard part is to actually get into it and keep the legs there

Hi tall guy, I'm not an expert but I'll give my best shot at answering you.
I am long of limb too, tho I think the stretches are the same for us all pretty much.

!/ Ye olde hammie stretch. Sit on the floor legs out in front and lean forward at the

hips. Tip I was given recently is to reach your elbows to your feet and think of your back

getting longer.
There's heaps of mods you can do to this that work in different ways.
Try to slide your head back and forward along your legs so you go from tummy laying on

thighs to a big curve with just the top of your head on your thighs.
Bring your feet in one at a time to the opposite knee with your bent knee on the floor and

lay down on the straight leg.
Same but with your shin vertical.
Separate your legs a bit so your head can go to the floor between them.
Separate you legs to a wide as possible straddle and lay on the floor to the front or lean

sideways onto each leg or turn and tip forwards onto each leg in turn.

2/ Butterfly. Just sit up, pull your feet in to your crotch , hold them wit your hands and

use your leg/hip muscles to drop your knees out to the side and down to the floor.

3/ Butterfly part2. Sitting up, holding the soles of your feet together with your hands,

about where your knees would be if your legs were straight. Pull your head down onto your

feet. Separate your feet and put your head on the floor between them. Slide you feet back

toward you a bit and repeat.
When this stretch is going ok, do it without using your hands.

4/ Lotus. Just do it, and when you are comfy, lean forward to the floor.
(My ankles hate when I do this).

So those are my preliminary stretches. Thay can be done even when you are not alone. Or

maybe while watching tv/movies/playstation/online.

Remember you HAVE to bend backwards as well. So do cobras, back-bridges, and whatever that

thing is called where you kneel down, sit on your heels and drop back to rest on the


I don't have a best position any more. I used to think the whole ss thing was only

possible in the plow.
Probably the plow with your feet pushing on something is the easiest way to get there when

you first start out. But I used to push so hard in the excitement of it all that I hurt

myself a few times.
So now, when I am warmed up, I cycle thru all the positions I know , not really worrying

about how close or far away each gets me.
I just keep changing from one to the next and eventually they all work to some degree.
I haven't hurt myself since I started to use different positions in rotation.
And that has meant I could make some progress.

I better not sit on the fence so here is my current rating of positions.
1 - X position. Recently moved up from second to last.
2 - Plow with feet on wall.
3 - C pull on floor.
4 - C in a chair.
5 - Modified X. (butterfly with arms wrapped around legs)
6 - Plow on a bed with
feet on the floor.
7 - Free plow on the floor.
8 - !/2 X. Sit up, put one leg behind head, other leg straight.
9 - Standing.
!0- No name. Doing a hamstring stretch with feet about 1' apart. Put head on floor, grab

butt and pull.

Oh well, that's what I do. Let me know if you can't make sense of what I wrote.
I think there's more qualified people here that can help too. It is just that some of the

best selfers are born flexy and have a bit of a hard job relating their skills to us

ligamentally challenged folk.
Hello all. Here I will tell you my tricks on how you can become a self sucker. What you

must do is follow these steps in order for success!

To prepare for your Selfsuck lesson you must do the following:

- You must be totally naked! No clothes whatsoever (in time maybe, but for now clothes off


- This is because the clothes interfere with the bending over action (especially belts!)

- Be sitting down in a chair that is stable, and that supports your crotch well

-Be erect! Make sure you get all the length you can get!

One more thing I'll cover before we get started to inform you that it is possible..

I am 5 foot 11 and my penis is 6 inches, and I can suck on it fine (a whole 4 inches+, can

even suck the head when my penis is not erect and i can lick my balls) without problems

and I am not flexible!

Now these are the steps for success to Self Sucking:

#1 - Get into a slouching motion so your back is curved outward.

#2 - Place your chin right onto your chest so you are looking down at your penis.

#3 - Hook your left arm (I prefer left arm, feel free to use right) around the bottom of

both of your legs.
- This is so you can push up with the arm and your penis comes closer to your face.

#4 - Suck in your gut so your ribs can be pushed down over your gut, giving you a HUGE

gain in distance.

#5 - Now that you are in position, lean down toward your penis with your head!

Note: It takes time to work your back in to perform this action. I do not recommend anyone

trying it if it feels like your going to snap in two!

This is a technique written by HHH. Please send me feedback on how it went with you

(please don't get mad if you couldn't suck the first time, try for 3 - 4 weeks before any

final thoughts
Some tips:

1) Don't even bother trying in the morning. Most people are too stiff when they wake up.

At end of day, your body's a lot looser.

2) A full stomach holds you back.

3) Stretching is a huge help. Here's a few starters.

a) legs together in front of you, seated on the floor. Lean forward, stretching your upper

torso lengthwise across legs. Reach hands past feet to lengthen your back. Go back and

forth between this position and the same stretch with soles of feet together/knees pointed

out, rounding your back more than with straight leg version (tuck your head under. Do it

naked! Look at that dick!)

b) sit upright on floor with one heel at crotch and the other leg extended straight out as

far to the side as you can bring it. Slowly bring your chest down over the extended leg.

Take your time, this is a good one for loosening both your back and your hips.

c) lie on stomach, hands at shoulders. Push up so your back arches backward. Hold, crane

your neck upward, lengthen your spine.

d) loosen your neck. It helps ease the stretch.

e) there are many more stretches, and taking a few yoga classes, you'll probably choose a

few that really help.

4) Try different techniques. Head-over-heels is usually a good warm-up. Try standing up

and grabbing your thighs from behind. Pull outward with your back so your spine loosens

and gets used to being rounded. Always focus on your dick. Move this grip up and down your

thighs to the position that feels closest to your dickhead and remember (always) to TILT

YOUR HIPS toward your face so that dick head gets closer. Don't expect to reach it the

first time... or the tenth. But try this, then go back to head over heels and see if

you're closer.

5) Use a mirror! Visualizing is half the battle. And if you prop a mirror on the back of

your thighs while you're head-over-heels, seeing how close your hard-on is to your mouth

will help you get a lot closer -- the effect is wild. Don't get too crazy. Pop your load

(it's hot seeing that, too) before you break your back.

6) Propping feet on the wall or something is good for head-over-heels, basically because

it helps you to arch your back where it may not be used to arching. Push on the wall and

you can bring your hips down closer to your face.

These are just a few tips. Don't rush things. Spend an hour stretching three nights a week

for a week or two before you even give it a try. Obviously, a lot of exploring helps. Ya

gotta remember to use that idle time to your advantage! (Trust me, it's fucking worth it).
Thanks for the info guys, I’m always looking for new ideas. I used to get in a similar

position in the bath. I had a couple of large very dense rubber pads and by slewing

sideways in the bath and raising up on my elbows, rested on the edge - a little tricky

till you get the hang of it, I would slip one of the pads in between my back the side of

the bath. I would then lift my butt over the opposite edge, that was against the wall, and

slide in the other pad. I would have already applied soap to the surface of the pads

making contact with the enamel of the bath and once I was in position the weight of my

body would cause everything to slide down. The pads needed to be big enough that when they

slide down inside the bath they meet at the bottom and all parts of my back, that would

otherwise press against the enamel, were protected, otherwise it was quite uncomfortable.

I also found the hot water would help the muscles relax.

Unfortunately, the house I live in now has an acrylic bath that I fear would split under

such pressure!! Consequently I’m left with my only other innovation which is a loop. The

materials came from my local DIY store, consisting of two lengths of inch inside diameter

clear plastic tubing; one by about 10 inches long and the other about a foot, and a couple

of meters of ¾ inch dia strong nylon cord threaded through each of the tubes. By folding

back the first three or so inches of one end of the cord and tying a double knot and

forming a noose shape, one that doesn’t slip though, I threaded the other end of the cord

through that to complete the loop. The final part was to weave the free end of the cord

around the nose to form like a reef knot (let over right, right over left).

The shorter of the two tubes goes around my neck and the longer one around the backs of my

legs. Naturally the loop is adjustable and can be employed in most situations – like in

the bath! However I mainly use mine during my workout sessions, for example in the “C”

position; I place my legs through the loop, the tube slightly above the back of my knees,

I then bend forward and slip the other tube over my head. The loop is slack enough to

allow me to lean back but to hold my head forward at the same time. By rocking back and

forth fluctuating the tension. Once I get used to the position, I adjust the loop via the

reef knot and start again. As the loop gets tighter each time, I work the tube further up

the back of my legs which allows me to lean back even further and pulls my head gradually

closer. I also use it in the plough position and walking up/down the wall.

I’m quite happy for anyone to copy these ideas, but they do so at their own risk, my

advice being, “Gently – ever so very gently!” You may also prefer different materials and

measurement to suit yourself – getting the principle is the main thing.
Good luck

Thanks to all that posted these over time (sorry don't have all the credits)

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Happy Boy
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Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:21 am
Location: east pittsburgh suburbs

Post by Happy Boy »

i posted one a while back titled "a how to from another site" that i had copied guessed it...another site. it had some good stretches that i found useful!

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