Self-suck how-to tips

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by asiansizedpecker »

aleingang69 wrote:I've never seen any evidence that cock lengthening works for more than minor increases
Depends on what you mean by "minor". :)
Have you checked out that "Thunder's Place" forum and its member reports statistic? It's not exactly scientific, but it's probably as close as you can get for free, manual, non-drug and mostly non-device-based methods of penis enlargement.

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by leegru »

Im new to the site.
Ive been ss for a few years now, and am relatively successful! however my main goal is to be able to deepthroat myself! have you any tips/advice to help me reach my goal? i use the C position.
Many thanks,

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by aleingang69 »

Reading through the forums is your best bet, unless you have more-specific questions. I'd suggest trying the Plow position with something you can hook your feet under to give yourself more leverage, but it's a very individual thing - different things work better for different men.

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my progress so far...

Post by christopherdmaxwell »

was wondering if a few here could suggest a few tips, tricks and techniques for myself.... sometimes, i can get most of the head in, however, i want MORE!!! here is one of my latest videos... i sometimes warm up with a hot bath, suck in my stomach and do forwardbend stretches, rollover, yadayadayada - anywhooo, i want to go further... does anyone have any input on what i might be able to do differently? - also, fwiw, here is more info on me... - - ... html[video][/video]
my selfsuck progress
(11.1 MiB) Downloaded 19018 times

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by aleingang69 »

Sorry to be a few days, and - thanks for sharing the video!

Reading through the forums here is the best way to get as many viewpoints as possible, but a couple of quick notes:

It looks like most of your curve is in your neck and upper back - working on getting more curve lower down should help.
And to do that - having something you can grab/hook-under with your toes and feet will give you a lot more control. Something good and solid a foot or two above the surface your boy is resting on is great.
Maybe a firmer surface than that bed will help too.

Hope that helps!


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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by Plasticballer »

Hi! I am new here! I have been stretching since Oct or Sept last year. I was inspired by a xtube video of a guy SSing in a locker room! So I gave it a try I have to say that the tips on this site have helped quite a bit. Been making penis tip contact that can vary week to week. I have just been having issues with stomach distention getting in the way of gains. This is just another way of saying that I have been eating heavy meals end on and an I get a bit backed up feeling. Gains are not good when this happens. I have a tip for you all.... Eat like a bird if you can for a while and you may have better luck! Problem is, this guy right here loves to eat! Also, take a hot bath or shower as hot as you can stand. Do the stretching hot and hold as long as you can. This I find I can get into a x position and get my tip in my mouth but still have distance to be able to get my penis completely in. No matter what, I find I can only get the tip in my mouth. There was one time I got a bit further than the tip and could suck a ball :-P So.... I can put my penis tip in my mouth regularly I can put the tip in my eye, forehead, or cheeks. It seems that is difficult for me to gain the extra distance needed to get my entire shaft in my mouth. That stomach bulge during the big crunch to get down there makes this difficult. This happens to be where the gain has been "stuck" at. Also a adjustable nylon luggage tie down makes staying down easier. One more tip, FOCUS on the lower back especially toward the hip bone. That is the hardest part to stretch.

Any tips on getting more gains would be appreciated!
Me kissing my penis tip after a hot shower holding freely to my chair, stomach distended a bit during this session.
Me kissing my penis tip after a hot shower holding freely to my chair, stomach distended a bit during this session.
Stats: 165 LBS, 5,11 with tall torso. I been SS since Sept 2013. As of 7/3/2014, glans in mouth! TIPs - Hot shower, w/toe touches & grab your butt leaning over and pull in. You will be amazed of gain! If you feel pain, back off pressure!

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by aleingang69 »

I love hearing that we've helped another man to make contact!

If you've been reading the forums you probably know what I"m going to suggest: try the Plow position, and find a way to set yourself up so you have something you can "grab" with your feet.

I hope we'll see more of you with more of your cock in your mouth, man!


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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by edjon »

It is interesting to see the various videos and images showing different guys back flexibility. I can manage pretty well, but would always be happy to go deeper. Many that I have seen go very deep from a seated position seem to have extreme upper back / neck flexibility where it looks like they aren't very close and then they just extend their neck a great distance. Are there any good stretches for the upper back and neck area that won't risk neck injury?

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by aleingang69 »

I wish there were one size fits all recommendations, but every man is different - what works for me won't necessarily work for you. As always: find a good yoga instructor, keep your eyes open for new ideas, and - always - take it slowly and carefully.

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by onyx777 »

I posted in the other forum but am curious in terms of doing this technique as well. In the plow position, what would you recommend is the best place to hook your legs under? Also, would losing weight (particularly in the stomach area) aid in getting closer to self-sucking? Lastly, I am around 6 inches erect, is this long enough to get my whole cock in my mouth? I've attempted some positions on the floor and I was able to get my lips to sort of "kiss" the head and maybe once was I able to extend my tongue to lick it but obviously I want to get further than that.

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I don't necessarily think you need to hook you legs under anything, I push my feet against the wall and that works pretty good. It's less likely to move than say a dresser!

I am sure losing weight would help if you have belly. That's my current problem. I have just enough of a gut that I think I'm compressing it in this position (or any other position for that matter) and preventing me from getting a deeper bend. I am pretty sure I've stretched out my back enough that if I lost weight, I'd be able to get a bit of my cock in my mouth. However, as many people already know, losing weight is difficult.

I wouldn't focus too much on getting your whole cock in your mouth. That may never happen. It's good that you can lick and kiss the head so you're on your way. I know it doesn't really feel like a blow job yet, but it should be interesting enough for you to keep at it. I am pretty much stuck there at the moment and my end goal is to get all the head between my teeth so I can wrap my lips around the shaft. I think at that point I should be able to literally suck it, and from there it's all bonus.

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by christopherdmaxwell »

i must park this copy here as it had previously been deleted from the original forum where i originally posted... - - this is parked here as i am aware that there are many men still out there that WANT and/or NEED to autofellate, but are lacking sources on proper technique... i sincerely believe this site will certainly helpfulfill that WANT/NEED/DESIRE...

I made first contact (with autofellatio) 6 weeks before my 40th birthday. I was verbally given a suggestion that i've read previously on the internet... i should probably make an instructional video as reading text didn't quite seem to sink in the first time... FWIW, I still have ZERO "gumbiness" and cannot touch my toes while standing - even after i perform orally...

(DIET) -- For me, as for many of us, we likely need to lose the belly fat first. One of the best methods for men to lose weight without exercising is a better diet. One diet that was recommended to me was to eat meat the size of the palm of my hand, 2 different vegetables the size of both palms. this causes the body to burn the excess fat! it's also usually very satisfying, AND gives you energy to exercise! Before i got there, I was eating beef and broccoli and spinach, tuna and broccoli... It sounds like it may get old after a while, however, it's very satisfying... i'll take an opportunity to recommend pict-sweet brand broccoli and spinach as they are flash frozen and have more vitamins, nutrients and overall fresh flavor. There are a few schools of thought that recommend adding nuts to the diet as well.

(EXERCISES) - wall crunches, kettlebell torso exercises, any exercises to tighten and tone your torso. -- (usually hours before stretching)

(PRE-STRETCHING) -- There are a few schools of thought that recommend a hot shower for 15 minutes. Since I am the worse case scenario of having zero gumbiness, i take a hot bath for 30 minutes. While taking a bath, I try to arc my lower back into the back of the tub. Hot water releases nitrous oxide from the muscles allowing them to be more supple. There are a few that have shared a suggestion to leave the hot water in the tub as it may possibly be needed later when beginning the stretching routine. -- IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PAIN -- ** STOP ** -- there are a few that have said, "this is NOT a race!" -- 1 week before i made 1st contact i had a mild momentary spasm (on a scale of zero to ten, ten being worst, my spasm was about a 0(zero).5) i quickly got back in the hot bath water, and took a break from stretching for a few days...

(STRETCHING) -- EVERYONE of us is different, so different people may use different methods... There are some that can perform autofellatio while sitting. For a few this method of wrapping your arms around the bottom of your thighs and pulling your crotch towards your face may work. There are some that roll over on their bed, with their feet on the wall, and "walk" down the wall until they make contact. The method that seems to be most successful in my opinion, is the "plow" or "gravity assist" method... For me, this method works best. i have a pillow or folded blanket on the floor, roll over onto my shoulders on my back, place my toes under the sleeper sofa, (***TIP***), SUCK MY STOMACH INTO MY RIBCAGE), then with the assistance of my legs, arc my lower back to where my crotch is closer to my face. I also wrap my arms around the back of my thighs and buttocks to pull my crotch closer to my face.

(POST-STRETCHING) There are some that recommend to do a yoga bridge (arc your back the opposite direction afterwards) for balance...

F.W.I.W. it took me approximately three weeks using these tips and tricks every other to every third day to get there... When I was in my early 20's, I was ALMOST there after 2 months of running 1-2 hours a day, 15 minutes in the hot-tub, and NOT sucking my gut in, or using leverage like a sleeper sofa... can you imagine the fun i missed out on not knowing the few tips, tricks and techniques that could have made me arrive?-)

I look forward to reading suggestions from others!

Ps. One my find my crude video at,, (pirated to xhampster?-) under the same screenname...
I have great taste!-P -- will eventually create an instructional video!

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks Christopher! That's all good advice.

People talk about injuries on here and I think it's important to distinguish between different kinds:

Long-term injuries to the different parts of your spine. I'm not sure what to say about these other than: be careful and try to avoid these!


Muscle spasms. Our backs have an unfortunate tendency to try to resist injury by putting our back muscles into very painful spasms, and then not letting go for an annoyingly long time.
These kind of injuries don't generally do any long-term damage, but man do they ever suck - and not in a good way ;)
These definitely became much more a part of my life in my late forties, but I seem to have figured out what works for me in avoiding them.
Unfortunately, it involves sticking to a regular exercise program. I have three exercises that I do 2 or 3 times a week, and if I stick with them I don't get the spasms, or - if I start to feel them - I do the exercises and they go away.
If I'm sucking my cock there's a very specific spasm that sometimes happens - a bit lower in my back than the non-sucking-related ones - and I've found that the best thing to do with that one is, oddly, to put all of my energy into tensing up that area as much as possible (it' helps to make embarrassing grunting noises while tensing) and then push through the pain - that seems to fool the foolish muscles into letting go and relaxing again. I ONLY do this if I'm absolutely certain that it's a muscle spasm and not some other kind of pain.

The exercises that work for me are:

The "Dying Bug"

The Opposite arm & leg lift: Get down on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Reach your right arm forward; at the same time, stretch your left leg back. Hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat using the left arm and right leg; that's one rep. Do 10 to 15 reps.

And The Supine Bridge with Leg Lift

And the general stretching that I do - it's important to stay flexible!

Doing those consistently has meant that I haven't had a serious spasm problem for two years now.

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by Plasticballer »

Great tips! A update on myself if that I still able to get down on myself even after a hiatus! Seems my body held the memory of what was done before, and that is good. I had taken a break from stretching over the winter. I used to do streches when not fully limber (when at pc sitting a good amount of time) to only during showers. When in the shower I touch my toes and then cradle my legs standing up. On good days I gen get the tip in mouth as usual, but I need to train my muscle memory more to get more depth.

A thing I found out was that during inactive days I would barely reach my penis tip without extra pulling to be able to at least kiss it even when warmed up in the shower. I recently got back into a exercise routine and a huge difference in stretch depth occurs when walking at least a mile and doing some aerobic exercise during the day. Heed this tip. EXERCISE HELPS PHENOMENALLY; as well as manual labor.

Try being active if your work involves a PC or sitting because sitting can hinder gains.
Stats: 165 LBS, 5,11 with tall torso. I been SS since Sept 2013. As of 7/3/2014, glans in mouth! TIPs - Hot shower, w/toe touches & grab your butt leaning over and pull in. You will be amazed of gain! If you feel pain, back off pressure!

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Re: Self-suck how-to tips

Post by BlackeyMadison »

what works for me

I have success selfsucking, see one of my vids:

1. Firm surfaces work best. For safety, a soft yet firm surface - people have recommended this below - but something other than concrete against your body (though for videos, I think it looks hotter for me to go ham and just selfsuck in public on any surface) BUT I recommend a yoga matt on a hard floor.

2. Position that words for me us head over heels - I have some moderate success in the C position but it kills my neck - and finally - I have NOT mastered the ankles behind the head yet - Dwi Pada Sirsasana yoga pose.

3. THE BENCH: a locker room-style bench is the BEST for the head over heels position - use a yoga mat and toss your legs back, grab the bench with your feet and you can pull yourself down to the ultimate deep suck. Once I used a beam at a construction site - same principal :-)

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